However, for this workflow I want to take this a step further by continuing to run the analysis on an ongoing basis at a configured interval - e.g. There are several articles on the internet which attempt the same thing - often focusing on a single indicator - and most of these run the analysis on historical data, present the historical results and stop there. In this workflow, I am going to experiment with how I can use these indicators to generate Buy or Sell trading signals.

Investors and traders who use Technical Analysis as part of their trading strategy may refer to TA charts on a regular basis to help determine their investment choices. Īccording to the various articles etc that I read, three of the more commonly used TA indicators are to evaluate a security's strength or weakness'.

It further states 'technical analysts focus on patterns of price movements, trading signals. According to Investopedia 'Technical Analysis is a trading discipline employed to evaluate investments and identify trading opportunities by analyzing statistical trends gathered from trading activity, such as price movement and volume'.